Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to make your Computer Speedy?


There are several things you can do to increase the "speed" of your computer.

1) Clean up the disk. Uninstall unneeded programs (especially those that run at startup and/or put something in the system tray), run Disk Cleanup, and defragment the drive. This is a good first step that will almost always take a few seconds off boot time and application loads for any computer.

2) Stomp auto-starting programs. Click Start > Run and type "msconfig" at the prompt. Click the Startup tab and look at all that junk that loads when you launch your PC. Do you really need "Adobe Reader Speed Launch"? Probably not. Turn off anything else that looks useless, but be careful not to disable your anti-virus and important system components.

3) Run a full anti-virus and anti-spyware scan. I would recommend using AVG Free anti-virus, Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware remover. These programs are all free.

Some other ways

1) Upgrade RAM. This is the one killer trick that will make almost any computer run faster. With an older PC, you will rarely have enough RAM to run today's memory-hogging operating systems and applications, and adding a high-capacity stick or two of quality RAM will give you a quick speed boost. Adding RAM is fairly simple, even for a novice, and you should be able to do the job in 5 or 10 minutes.
2) Reinstall Windows. If the above tricks haven't helped, it may be time to wipe the slate clean and start again, reformatting your hard drive, reinstalling your applications, and restoring your data files from a backup. You'd be surprised how much more responsive a freshly reinstalled Windows system can be, as you've wiped out years of temp files, garbled registry entries, old versions of software programs that have been upgraded repeatedly, and all sorts of other electronic junk. Reinstalling is easy if you have the "recovery disk" that came with your PC, and only a bit more involved if you're using a retail copy of Windows XP. Just be sure you back up everything you want to take with you before you pull the trigger!

3) Upgrade your hard drive. This is a more complicated solution, but if you're reinstalling Windows (per the prior tip) you might consider upgrading to a bigger and possibly faster hard drive, too. Hard disk storage is a performance bottleneck on every machine, and magnetic disks degrade over time. Some performance issues could be caused by a failing hard drive, even, and upgrading to a new model could really put some zip back in your system. As a bonus, you can use the original hard drive for backups or occasional storage, if you put it in an enclosure.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What is Java?

A search on 'What is Java' in google returns roughly about 329,000,000 pages. That is the popularity of Java on the web. If you haven't read the history of Java please read it first here. Java was just meant to be a portable, platform independent programming language. But over the years it has transformed into a complex platform for computing portable software across different devices and systems. What is the need for Java? When there were so many programming languages already available what was the need for another programming language. To understand this let us take an example of a program that runs on a SONY TV remote control. This program can be written using a language (let us assume) called X. The remote control has an in-built chip on which this program will run. If we look at the functionality of a TV remote it is almost the same for any brand of TV. So by right the same program should be used on any brand of TV remote. In reality it is not. Why? Because the in-built chip in different brand of TV Remotes maybe different. Therefore the same program has to run these two different chips, they have to be re-compiled in order to suit different chips in other words platforms. If there are 100 different brands, the same program has to be re-compiled 100 times to suit these 100 different brands. This is where the problem arises. That is why a new programming language was needed. And Java was the answer. How does Java solve this problem? The Java designers came out with a wonderful concept of a 'Java Virtual Machine'. Now Java differs from rest of the languages in using this unique concept. Which means unlike other languages a Java program when compiled produces a ByteCode rather than machine code. This ByteCode is machine independant (platform independant). The Java Virtual Machine resides on the machine and interprets this ByteCode into a form the machine can understand. Now take the same example of a TV remote. If the program was developed using Java rather than X, then the same program can be used in all different brand of TV Remotes provided all of them have the 'Java Virtual Machine' (JVM) installed on them. If all of them have the JVM the JVM will convert this same program into a form that each brand of TV remote understands. This is a very simple but effective method of making a program portable. This is how Java solves this problem.

Monday, August 20, 2012

How to assign or change a drive letter in your hard disk?

While assembling a computer, usually drive C attains main role and others become subsidiary, while using pen drives the OS automatically assigns an alphabet and later delete it. Do you know you can assign a name using A to Z alphabets? Disk Management snap in software in windows XP provides this feature. A and B letters are assigned for your floppy drive C is assigned disk containing OS. If you don’t have floppy drive you can use A and B for other drives. But you may install floppy drives some day so we will leave out A and B and see how to assign other alphabets.

To assign all favorite letters to a disk drive (or) part of (or) a volume for the first time do as said below. First start log in as user.

1. Then click start=> control panel option, it will list sum of option then select Performance and Maintenance. (Note: This option will be enable only on control panel. So we should open it.)
2. Now click Administrative tools and then double click on computer management. Now some of option listed on the left side of it then selects Disk management.)
3. Now right click on the drive, as you want to create letters, and then click on change drive letter and paths.
4. From that click Add
5. Now default computer mark the type of letter from “Assign the following drive letter” Now you can make changes only by selecting some other type of letter.

We see how to change the type of letter for a drive on its parts
1. Select start=>control panel a window will be open then select “Performance and Maintenance” from that window.
2. Now click on “Administrative Tools” after that double click on computer management. Now you get sum of option from the left side of window here we select the Disk management.
3. Right click on the drive (or) the part on we want change the letter type after that select “change drive letter and paths” from it.
4. Now click on “change” option carefully
5.Now select the type of letter from “Assign the following drive letter” option and give ok to it
6. Carefully give yes when a dialogue box open with the message of whether change the type of letter. Now you got to selected letter types enabled on the drives.

To change the already existing letter, use following
1. Click start=>control panel. Now you get new window. Select performance and maintenance option from that window.
2. Now click on Administrative tools after that double click on computer management. Now select the disk management option from the left side of the window.
3. Right click on the drive (or) part as you want to change the letter type, then “change drive letter and paths”
4. Now carefully click the “remove” option
5. Now you got a dialogue box, which contains the warning message. Click Yes on it. At this time you got the certain type of letter will be removed.

Like this you would apply this option for your drive.

How to print all files in a folder in a single command?

We can print one document in Windows XP. But how to we print all files in the folders? Ok. If one folder has 10 files we can open all files and then give print command. If 100 files are there and you have to take a printout of all of them what can we do? Here only notepad comes to our help here we can write a batch file and command it to print from a right place. Lets see briefly how is this done.

First of all open note pad, through Start, All Programs, Accessories, Notepad then type the following code without fault.

@echo off

dir%1/-p/o: gin>





Save the file as printdir.bat, then save it in c:\windows folder. A small tip: – you can save this file in any name but you must give the extension as .bat only. Now you have successfully created a file to print. Now, let’s see how to print all files in a folder,

1) First double click the My Computer icon.
2) Select Folder options from the Tools menu
3) Then Click File types tab, it will be in the upper side of the screen.
4) You will find a file type below” Registered file types”
5) Select it and click Advanced Tab
6) This opens Edit File Type. In this you can see a button “New” click it
7) New action dialog box opens
8)Type print directory in action tab
9) Browse for c:\windows\printdir.bat through browse button at application used to perform action
10) Click ok and close all the dialog boxes

If lot of files is to be printed we can create a folder and put them inside it, now right click on the folder and select print directory option in it, if you select this all files in the folder will be printed.

Keys for Special Symbols

To get † symbol use Alt+0134
To get ‡ symbol use Alt+0135
To create the trade mark (™) symbol use Alt+0153
To get bound sterling (£) symbol use Alt+0163
To get the Japanese currency yen (¥) symbol use Alt+0165
To get copy right symbol (©) use Alt+0169
To get registered trade mark symbol (®) use Alt+0174
To get degree symbol (°) use Alt+0176
To show (±) symbol use Alt+0177
To show super script 2 symbol (²) use Alt+0178
To show super script 3 symbol (³) use Alt+0179
To make a center dot symbol (•) use Alt+0183
To describe ¼ use Alt+0188
To describe ½ use Alt+0189
To describe ¾ use Alt+0190

We can create more symbols as same as above. We mostly use the above symbols.

What is Downloading, Uploading Installing and Un-Installing

Downloading, Uploading, Installing and Un installing are most favorite words in the usage of computer and Internet. Let’s see about this.


We are copying a file from a network or an Internet to our computer is called downloading. We need not to do so much work for this. In Internet it displays, if you want this facility click here to download. If we click the link it will ask the place to store the file then we select the directory. The file will start to download. It shows the message it contain the rate and time.


This is the reverse process of downloading. That is we can copy the files from can computer to a network or the Internet. Generally the process is run by F.T.P. some of the Internet website provide the way to upload the files through their browsers.


Mostly the peoples confuse both downloading and installing. Installing means process of our computer is preparing for run a program. Generally its have a setup program to run when we are executing the setup program it ask some questions. We give to answer for this questions then it start copy the files to your computer for run the particular program. If we want to run the program we may click the icons in the desktop. Otherwise select the program from star/program menu.

Un Installing:

This is also the reverse process of installing while installing the program. It will copy the files in your computer. When we don’t want the program it’s hard task find and delete the files. Because of that the developers are create one exe file for uninstalling with that program.

We can see the file in program directory. Otherwise we can uninstall the file by select the Add/Remove Program option in control panel. Here all the installed programs are arranged in alphabetical order. We can select the program from the list, which is wanted to uninstall.

Windows 7 Shortcut Keys

Here are some useful shortcut keys for Windows 7 users.

Windows key + Up Arrow = Active window will be maximized

Windows key + Down Arrow = Active window will be minimized

Windows key + Left Arrow = Active window will be moved to the left

Windows key + Right Arrow = Active window will be moved to the right

Windows key + Home Key = All windows will be minimized. If already minimized they will be opened.

Windows key + T = The first application in task bar will be given focus. If you press T continuously the focus will be switched to other applications in that order.

Windows key + Space bar = If you keep pressed, Windows Startup will be shown.

Windows key + 1-9 any number key = The respective application in the task bar will be given focus.

Windows key + Plus key = Window will be zoomed in

Windows key + Minus key = Window will be zoomed out.